Site Plan
A site plan comprises far more than lines or grids on a map. Looking at a site plan on paper or online often fails to do justice to the breathtaking majesty of prime properties at The Farm at Mills River. A site plan merely lays the framework for your claim to your personal piece of paradise.
When you choose which plot of land you wish to purchase, you’re making a decision that has a lasting impact on your family’s future. To truly appreciate the natural splendor of the property, [schedule a tour](/request-info/). Get the full experience; it will delight your senses and start your mind spinning with possibilities.

See to Believe
When you visit The Farm at Mills River, you get an up-close view of your future. Each plot is thoughtfully laid out, with set-backs that ensure your privacy. Each view is distinctly your own. You may have a difficult time choosing which piece of land best suits you and your family. That's all part of the fun.
Choosing your future home site is as much about the bird song in the sky as it is about the view. It's about listening to the wind as it whistles through mountain passes and sets the flowers dancing in the meadows. And it's about the unparalleled freshness that you can taste on each breeze, mingled with the smell of the mountains.
Difficult Decision
So before you decide on your dream lot, you must take the time to visit in person. You owe it to yourself to get a feel for your new property. The stunning land that eco-friendly developers painstakingly selected for this exclusive development is unlike any other in the region.
Setting foot on its soil is like being beckoned home. Be ensconced in the sense of fulfillment that only comes from knowing you're home. Don't settle for seeing property lines drawn on a map. Take an active role in your family's enduring contentment. [Contact the development team](/request-info/) today and start making plans for your future.
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